5 travel dangers and how to avoid them

No one heads off on their travels expecting to have their adventures cut short. You can plan everything from your travel route to your daily activities to the very last detail but sadly, you can’t always plan for the things that go wrong. The last thing you need is an injury or a catastrophic event preventing you from achieving your travelling dreams. Not only is it bad news in the immediate aftermath, but it could have consequences that could go on for months – if you’re looking for legal representation in a personal injury case, check out lilawyer.com for more information – so, what’s the answer?
Well, there is a wide range of problems or issues you could come across on the road, but we’ve gathered 5 of the most common here, and the steps you can take to avoid them.
A travelers worst nightmare. Getting a severe case of a stomach upset will result in vomiting, diarrhea and potentially, dehydration, severe abdominal pain and in some extreme cases, hospitalization. To avoid this, wash your hands regularly, avoid local tap water (even if the locals drink it; their stomachs are probably used to it), avoid buffets, salads and ice, as well as food that has been exposed or left out for an unidentified length of time, take a bottle of hand sanitizer with you if hand washing facilities aren’t up to scratch. Do ensure that you carry pre and probiotics in your travel first aid kit to address these stomach issues immediately.
Road accidents
The roads abroad can be utterly terrifying! Often with no sense of order, or laws in place it can feel like every man for himself. To avoid road accidents – don’t travel at night. Before you enter a taxi for example, make sure it has seat belts and that the brake lights work. Is the driver sober? If you hire a scooter or moped, ensure you receive a helmet as standard and that it’s in good working order. Do research on local driving customs and get to know the road signs before you set off! And do ensure that you have a good travel insurance plan to take care of any emergency.
Being mugged/pickpocketed
Not only is this a terrible inconvenience, but it can also be quite psychologically damaging. Try to dress like a local, and keep your wealth e.g. jewelry, flashy tech well-hidden or back at your hotel. Keep an eye on your bag at all times or have your money concealed inside your clothing. Don’t follow anyone down a side street – even with the promise of a cheap tour guide or if someone is asking for help.
Getting hurt
No one wants to get hurt whilst travelling. So, you need to have your wits about you. Be vigilant for things like wet floors, unsafe balconies, uneven walkways and slippery pool sides. And more so if you happen to be renting a bicycle, motorcycle or car. Just because you’re travelling, doesn’t mean you’re immune to injury.
Terrorism/ violence
It sounds extreme, but it’s becoming more and more recognized as a potential issue whilst travelling. If there is political unrest, war or recent terrorist activity at your chosen destination then ask yourself if it’s really worth it. Consider changing your plans or heading to a different destination first.