4 Important Health Insurance Facts and Tips for Travelers

Traveling is supposed to be a time to unwind and disconnect, but one thing you can’t neglect is your health. The truth is that your body doesn’t care if you’re on vacation or not, and being in a foreign country can sometimes increase your chances of coming down with something. Then there’s the reality of having to deal with a whole different healthcare system. Thankfully, this is why travel health insurance exists. But you have to understand how it works and its limitations before you leave. Here are some important health insurance facts and tips for travelers.
Make Sure that You Read the Policy in Detail
This may sound obvious, but it’s important that you read your policy and understand what type of coverage you’re actually getting. Some travel health insurance plans will have limitations, so you have to know what those are first. This also goes for people who are getting their insurance from work or their credit card. Check for how long it is valid, or if there are some age restrictions. You should also know if you’ll have to pay the expenses first before they reimburse you or if they’ll pay upfront.
Honesty is Key
One of the most common reasons why many claims end up being rejected is because people either omitted some details or flat out lied when filling out their medical questionnaire. That’s why it’s essential that you are as truthful as possible and consider talking with your doctor if you’re confused about anything. Also, some policies have what is called a “stability period”. If your medication or health conditions have changed since taking out the policy, it is your responsibility to let them know.
Understand the Local Healthcare System
You also have to consider where you’re going and how much you can expect to pay for procedures. And don’t be fooled by places with seemingly cheap healthcare, like China for instance. If you’re going to China for an extended period of time, we strongly suggest you get more than just travel health insurance and get a great Chinese health insurance plan.
While some procedures in China may seem cheap by American standards, major surgeries can get really costly. And healthcare in public hospitals, while being adequate, is very different than what you would get at other establishments. Services like China Expat Health will connect you with multiple insurers and compare them so you can find the best plan. If you want more details about their services, contact them for health insurance in China.
Type of Accident Could be an Issue
Many people might not be aware of this, but the type of accident and the circumstances surrounding it could have an effect on whether you’ll be covered or not. In some cases, if it was deemed that you suffered an injury by engaging in risky activities, you might not be covered.
If you like to engage in extreme, or even not so extreme sports like scuba diving for instance, some policies won’t cover you in case of an accident. Others won’t cover you if there was alcohol involved. So there again, it’s very important that you review your insurance policy in detail down to the fine print to know if some activities could end up excluding you from coverage. There are some cases where you could also upgrade to cover you for adventurous activities, but it will cost more.
Your health is important, and you have to be extra vigilant when you’re in a whole different country. Make sure that you get the proper coverage before you leave, and know exactly to which extent you’ll be protected.