Mentioned on Deccan Chronicle about Cellphone Photography and how it is influencing our lives

I am very happy to let you all know that yours truly has been mentioned on Deccan Chronicle along with other eminent mobile photographers and bloggers in an article titled ‘See Change’ on the Sunday Chronicle (dated Feb 25, 2018) that talks about the world of mobile photography and how it has evolved into one of the most popular modes of expression. This article dissects the positives and negatives of cell phone photography and talks about its powerful presence in one’s hand, how the complex world of photography is getting simplified and more accessible to the common man and also the obsessive nature of clicking selfies and pretty much lots of photos that add nothing but clutter in our lives. If you use your mobile camera a lot, you might want to give this lovely article a read through.
As someone who is slowly using the phone camera more and more often instead of my DSLR, I am definitely making the switch and I think phone cameras these days make for fabulous photography tools. They are not only easily accessible, but simple to use, less intrusive and aid in faster post processing. But, I also believe that sometimes we should live in the moment, instead of thoughtlessly clicking more and more selfies and pictures. That way, it is a win-win for you as well as others!