Handy Persian Phrases for an Iran bound Tourist - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Handy Persian Phrases for an Iran bound Tourist

Iran is one of those holiday destinations where conversing in English is extremely difficult if you go outside of the tourist districts. However, if you know Hindi or Urdu, the Persian language is not that difficult to learn. I was thankful to learn the similarity between these languages while I stayed with a local family and this also helped me in picking up some very helpful Farsi phrases that came in super handy during my backpacking trip in Iran and I hope you will find them handy too.

And remember, keep your ear open for many Hindi or Urdu words. If you listen carefully, you will understand the context. After all, we have had such a rich past, that both languages (Hindi and Persian) have borrowed a lot from each other.

Farsi (Persian) Phrase English Equivalent
Salaam Hello or simply a salutation!
Halet Chetohrey  or Khoobay? or Chetohri? How are you?
Man Khoobam! I am good!
Merci or Mamnoon! Thank you!
Kheyli Mamnoon! Thank you very much!
Ahle Khojaeey? Where are you from?
Balle or Arey Yes
Nah Khair or Na No
Beselamati Cheers (to everyone’s good health)
Khahesh Mikonaam You are welcome
Khoda Hafez Good bye!
Bedoonay Goosht Without Meat
Goosht Meat
Sabzee Vegetables
Bebaaksheet Excuse me!
Agah Sir
Khanoom Madam
sefr Zero
Yek One
Do Two
Se Three
Chahar Four
Panj Five
Shesh Six
Haft Seven
Hasht Eight
Noh Nine
Dah Ten
Sad Hundred
Hezaar Thousand
Sobh bekheir Good Morning!
Shab Bekheir Good Night!
Nooshe Jaan Bon Apetit!
Be Salamat Bon Voyage!
Man I
Shoma You
Doost Friend
Haynd India
Che Khabar? Whats new?
Bozorg Big
Khoocheek Small

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