Guilt Free Ski Holidays - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Guilt Free Ski Holidays

As a thumb rule, most of us end up sinning too much during our holidays and then cringe at the extra weight gained while working out in the gym on returning home. Or at other times, we worry so much that we forget to enjoy our holidays. Both of these are bad options for us. The ideal option would be to have an adventure-filled holiday that compensates the extra calories we guzzle. It would be even better if we had a way to count the calories we burn and then sin accordingly.

Calorie counter for your ski holidays 
Like you all, I am also on the lookout for such helpful calorie counters and that is how I came across this ski calorie counter that ensures that we have a fun-filled ski holiday without worrying about the rich food or the beer that we consume after our skiing activities. This ski calorie counter takes care of the person’s age, sex, height, weight, type of activity (Snowboarding, Downhill, Ice Skating, Tobogganing, Cross-Country), duration and location while calculating the amount of calories that you have burned. It also gives you an idea of what you have earned in terms of food and beverages.

Guilt Free holidays 
I think this is a cool tool to carry with you on your skiing holiday. I hope there will be more such tools for other activities as well so that it covers a larger range of holidays. And when I do find them, I will sure remember to share it with you.

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Logo Credits : Jobi T Chacko. UI/UX Credits : Murugan S Thirumalai
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