Saturday, October 25, 2014

“The Tribune” features me

It gives me great pleasure to tell you all that I have been featured in “The Tribune”, one of the leading newspaper dailies in North India. In the edition that released today, they carry an article titled ‘The Blog Sphere’ where they talk about the world of blogging, how important it is in today’s world, where it is headed, why do people blog, what traction does one get from blogging and the likes. Basically, they are discussing the latest trends in the blogosphere. featured on Tribune India

In this article, they mention me and my thoughts on the trends in the blogosphere under the ‘Travel Blog’ category. They even use my photograph in the article (Refer Muslim woman in Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi), but they have forgotten to give me the photo credits in the online version. Apparently, the print version has the credits. 

This article is not just about travel blogs, but the entire world of blogs. Hence, you will find other category of blogs here, which include creative, food, mother care and lifestyle.

BE ON THE ROAD Travel Blog featured on the Tribune
Have you read the article as yet? If not, you can read the online version here. It would be even better if you pick up a copy of ‘The Tribune’ newspaper and read the full article.

Thank you ‘The Tribune’ and Vibha Sharma for featuring me in this article.

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