An all inclusive idea - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

An all inclusive idea

How can you save money on holiday? It’s not an easy task, because of course you want to enjoy it as much as possible, but despite that, there are ways you can stockpile the cash pre-holiday, leaving you with more to enjoy whilst you’re there.

Saving money on how you get to the airport is perhaps the first port of call, because we all know how expensive trains and coaches can be these days, not to mention long-winded and busy – this all equals stress, and quite frankly, it’s not something you want when you’re trying to enjoy yourself! It’s for that reason that I now drive myself to the airport, and no matter where I am flying from I book airport parking. Whether its a London flight or regional it can save you money let alone stress. I have booked Edinburgh Airport parking before and the service was fantastic. Cheaper, less stressful, and much more leisurely, there really is no downside to this plan.

Check out this idea if you’re able to drive yourself to the airport, because you will really notice a difference to your travel plans, making your departure day much easier on the stress levels. I usually book airport parking with ParkBCP, and can certainly vouch for the level of service, as well as the prices, so check this out wherever you’re flying from within the UK, even regionally.

Saving money on your getting from A to B plans is a good start, but it’s no good if you have to budget for huge amounts of food and drink! A good way to get around this is to book an all inclusive holiday.

Before you think ‘no, it’s like living within a hotel and never leaving’, hear me out.

If you have children, this is probably the number one money saving option, and even if you don’t, knowing your food and drink is taken care of is a huge load off the mind. If you can bag yourself an all inclusive bargain, you can afford to eat out once or twice, so you don’t have to practically live there and never leave, and you can get out and explore. Even if you don’t eat out, there is always the option to just go for a walk before dinner, etc, which is what I did the last time I booked an all inclusive break. Book a few excursions and force yourself out of the hotel grounds – this way you will see as much as anyone else, with less cost, and much more peace of mind as a result.

We do have to be canny with our travel plans these days, simply to save a little money and be able to afford a good holiday with our loved ones. These small tips will go some way to doing just that, but simply shopping around for a bargain will do the same thing, as long as you keep your eyes wide open.

About the Author: Lucy West is a  27 year old creative writer. She loves words and the power they can have. She thrives on knowing her work is being read and enjoyed. After working for years in a job she didn't enjoy, she decided to travel, which in turn lead to a major career change. Upon returning she enrolled at Westminster University to study Creative Writing and so her new found love began. If you don't find her writing, she'll be in a yoga studio.

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