Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Goodbye stress, hello holiday!

Picture the scene, if you will – a busy train platform, people everywhere, children running around, commuters holding coffee, reading newspapers, then out of nowhere, the calm is spoilt by a slightly manic looking woman, hair flailing, running over everyone’s toes with an oversized wheeled suitcase, wheezing slightly from being a little late …

That manic looking woman is usually me.

Yes, I am that woman running across the train platform, usually late, and unable to lift her suitcase onto the train without help because it’s basically too damn heavy.

I don’t enjoy getting to the airport, no matter how much I enjoy the rest of the holiday, and I usually show up on my first beach day sporting bruises from banging myself repeatedly with my suitcase. Everyone else around me? Yes, they generally have bruises too.

It’s no good for me, and it’s no good for anyone in the general vicinity either.

It’s through one too many of these experiences that I forced myself to find a better way. You can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

Driving myself to the airport means this panic and stress is eliminated, and it’s also much cheaper. Train fares these days are going up and up, and finding a cheap deal isn’t easy. Finding a cheap deal on airport parking however, well that’s just par for the course.

The first time I booked this service I used Gatwick parking, and I found the whole experience fantastic from start to finish. The convenience of taking my time getting to the airport, perhaps stopping off for a coffee, having loaded up the car with my luggage in plenty of time, really was a much less stressful experience, and nobody’s toes were squashed from my suitcase. I also discovered that you can stay at an airport hotel overnight for very little extra. I booked my Gatwick Airport hotels through Airparks and found great value, alongside some fantastic facilities. It was probably the least stressful airport experience I’ve ever had!

I now regularly use this service, and no matter where you fly from you’ll find a service to suit.

Kissing goodbye to those expensive trains, coaches and even airport taxis means more money to spend whilst you’re on holiday, after all, more money means more enjoyment. Nobody wants to be scrimping whilst they’re away, we save far too long and hard for our two weeks’ in the sun, so it makes sense to save wherever possible. Those pennies really do add up into pounds after all.

Check out what’s available at your airport when you’re booking your holiday, whether you’re heading away during winter or summer, and you’ll save yourself stress and money to boot – oh, and you won’t see me running down the platform again either!

About the author: Molly Austin is the content creator for Airparks and she has a passion for fashion, fun and travelling.

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