Saturday, October 12, 2013

Upcoming Travel: Backpacking to Bhutan

After close to a year of travel in South East Asia and East Asia, I am headed to the exotic Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan in a month. The theme of my travel remains the same: Backpacking and Budget Travel without any particular agenda. I enter overland from India, take available public transport and travel from the western part of this mountainous country to the eastern side in three weeks, before finally entering into India overland.

The high level plan of my trip is to fly into Guwahati from Bangalore, take the train from Guwahati to Alipur Duar, halt at Alipur Duar for the night and then get my permits done at the Phuntsoling Bhutan border area and then move north by bus. I am looking to visit the following places in Bhutan: Paro, Thimphu, Haa, Punakha, Wangdi Phodrang, Tongsa, Jakar and the Bumthang area, Lhuntshi, Mongar, Tashi Yangtse, Tashigang and Samdrup Jongkhar. This is basically the entire country, but I might stay more days in some places and less days in the other, depending on how I feel about the place. On my return, I plan to enter into the Assam state of India from Samdrup Jongkhar and might stay in and around Guwahati for a day before flying back to Bangalore.

I will not be doing any multi-day trekking, but will indulge in short treks. This is primarily a backpacking trip and I intend to keep it that way. Unfortunately for me, there will be hardly any festivals when I visit Bhutan, but fortunately, the crowd will be lesser due to colder conditions, which I prefer. I am so excited about hitting the road again, but have to wait a month before the Dussehra (Navratri) and Diwali holiday season pass.

Giving me company are two friends. If you want to join too, drop me an email and I will share the exact details and the ticket information. Note: I don’t organize such trips like a travel agent. If you join me, you travel like a friend and pay for your own bills.