Hello and Thank you from South East Asia - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hello and Thank you from South East Asia

During my nine months in South East Asia, I learned quite a bit of the local languages while I was in that country. Apart from Bahasa Indonesia, which I remember a bit more than the other languages, the only words that I remember in all languages is ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank you’. I remember them as I used them extensively during my stay in each country. Below table provides Hello’s and Thank you’s in the 10 different South East Asian languages. Hope it makes it an interesting read for you. Do remember to practice it before you go to that country. It will help break the ice and might come in handy during your travels.

Country Hello Thank you
Thailand Sawadee Kaaa (Female)
Sawadee Khap (Male)
Khaup Kun Kaaa (Female)
Khaup Kun Khap (Male)
Cambodia Susudaay Aackhun
Vietnam Sin Chaao Kaum On
Laos Sabaidee Khaup Chai
Myanmar Mingalabaa Jejhujamarey
Singapore Hello Thank you/Terima Kasih/Nanri
Malaysia Hello Terima Kasih
Brunei Hello Terima Kasih
Indonesia Hallo Terima Kasih
Philippines Kumusta Selamat

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