Famous Tuk Tuks of Thailand - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Famous Tuk Tuks of Thailand

Before you set foot on the roads of Thailand, your idea of a Tuk Tuk is a simple three-wheeled vehicle that is used for public transport, but actually it is much more. It is the backbone of commute in crowded cities like Bangkok where they weave through the traffic in a-la James Bond style. Their boom boom silencers leave nothing to your imagination and when you sit on it you can feel the adrenalin rush.

Boom Boom Tuk Tuks of Thailand
Unlike the Tuk Tuks in Sri Lanka or the Indian sub continent, the Tuk Tuks of Thailand are designed like a car with a clutch and brake on the feet and a gear shift in between both legs. It is one way to feel the wind in your hair in sultry Bangkok. Do make sure you take a Tuk Tuk ride when you are next time in Thailand. Else, you will never know what you’ve missed.

P.S. Do your bit of bargaining before you get into one else you will be taken on a ride (literally and technically).

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