Rothschild Giraffe: The most endangered giraffe subspecies - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rothschild Giraffe: The most endangered giraffe subspecies

The Rothschild Giraffe is one of those species that is found in the wild only in two places in the whole world. One is Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya and the other is in northern Uganda. While the other giraffe species are placed in the “Least Concern’ category, the Rothschild Giraffe is in the heavily endangered category.

Side view of Rothchild's Giraffe
I was lucky to see this rare species during my game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park in central Kenya. It was late afternoon when I saw this giraffe sub species and found them grazing in the thick woodlands in the higher reaches of Lake Nakuru National Park.

A large herd of Rothchild's Giraffe at Lake Nakuru National Park
They seem to be quite tall like the Maasai Giraffe and have broad patterns on them. The main thing that differentiates them from the other sub species is their lack of patterns on their feet. They have plain white feet, which give a feeling that they are wearing white socks on their feet.

Rothchild's Giraffe
But, like all giraffe species, even this one is a sight to watch. Their gigantic figure and their beautiful patterns make them stand out in the Lake Nakuru landscape.

Rothchild's Giraffe, a sub species of the Maasai girafee and seen only in Lake Nakuru National Park
If you are a wildlife enthusiast, you should definitely try and sight them. After all, there are only about one hundred odd living in the wild.

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