Upcoming Travel: A Solo Ride after close to three years - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Upcoming Travel: A Solo Ride after close to three years

My last solo motorcycle ride was my ‘India on a motorcycle’ trip. And it’s been close to three years since that trip.  In fact, I haven’t gone on any solo trip since then even though they are sometimes the best form of travel as you can explore to your heart’s fill without any commitments or distractions. Apologies to my fellow travel buddies if you find this statement a bit harsh, but I think you would tend to agree with me at some level.

This time around, I have 5 days with me from April 5 through the 9th. I plan to leave home tomorrow morning around sunrise and head west into the cooler climes of the Western Ghats. Initially, I wanted to go visit Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, Anshi National Park and Nersa on the Karnataka-Goa border, but then later, after putting in some thought, I have decided to go aimless (no sense of destination planning). The reason is pretty simple. I have been to most of the places in Karnataka and have traversed through all of its highways. Hence, this time around, I intend to travel west and drop by any interesting place that I find on my way to the western ghats and back. A simple thumb of rule would be to follow the Karnataka Tourism signboards, but then a session with the locals opens up more options.

And regarding the route, I am planning to take the really small roads that pass through the smaller towns and villages of Karnataka. I simply hate to ride on the 4-lanes and hence this decision. I hope that this will be an interesting trip for me in spite of the increasing temperatures. Hopefully, I will have loads of stories and photographs to share once I am back. Cheers till then…

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