Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Changeable Hawk Eagle from Yala National Park

Bird photography is very tough as it requires a lot of patience, luck and good photography gear – binoculars, telephoto lenses and great eye sight. But, if you do get good sightings and some good moments for your lens, then all the patience and wait is totally worth it.

Changeable Hawk Eagle at Yala National Park - 2 
The joy of such moments exponentially increase when that bird in question is a ‘raptor’ as getting good time with these birds is very difficult. Such a moment was this when I saw this Changeable Hawk Eagle on my way to the Yala Beach inside the Yala National Park in South Eastern Sri Lanka.

Changeable Hawk Eagle at Yala National Park - 1 
Me and my friends had finished our morning safari and were headed to the remote beach of Yala for a packed lunch session when we spotted this raptor sitting on the tree branch just near the jeep track. The eyes of the Changeable Hawk Eagle stand out. At times they look threatening, but I guess it is their eyes that lend character to these birds.