Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bird Photography: Indian Pitta from Yala National Park

The ‘Indian Pitta’ is one of the more prettier and colourful small birds to be found in the Indian Subcontinent. This was the first time I laid my eyes on this beautiful bird and it was quite a sighting.

All pumped up Indian Pitta 
The sighting was not long in terms of time, but was quite eventful as I saw this small bird in two different forms. One, in the normal self and size and the second when it drew in air to get all fluffed up and bloated. It was quite an experience to see these forms of the same bird in less than 2 minutes. Both looked equally pretty though.

Indian Pitta at Yala 
I saw this bird in some dense forest undergrowth at the Yala National Park in South Eastern Sri Lanka. This passerine bird, breeds in the Himalayas and migrates to South Peninsular India and Sri Lanka in the winters.


  1. Amazing this bird is looking like a shiny diamond between true nature.

  2. just seen this once in bangalore (@valley school) in bad light and i am yearning to see this in full from the past 3 years...!

  3. I hope you see it soon. Late monsoons and winters are the best time.
