Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bird Photography: Healthy Signs for Green Bee Eaters at Yala National Park

The green bee eaters can typically be seen all over the Indian sub continent especially in and around the shrublands and woodlands. But, the highest density of these green bee eaters that I have seen is at the Yala National Park on the South East coast of Sri Lanka.

A serious looking Green Bee Eater 
Not only are these birds seen in huge numbers here, but I guess they are possibly the most well fed here. Or at least that is my perception when I see their bright plumage and well fed tummies. And this is very good news for the Yala ecosystem, which is providing a healthy habitat for these green bee eaters.

A Green Bee Eater in its natural surroundings 
When you look at these pictures and by looking at their size, you might say that these are not little green bee eaters, but some other bee eater that is bigger in size. But, then common sense prevails once you look at their tail, their beak and other colour patterns.

A sharp looking Green Bee Eater 
I saw innumerable little green eaters during my safaris at Yala and I was lucky enough to take good photographs of them. If I remember right, one of them was not more than 10 feet away, a very bold distance for a small bird such as the little green bee eater.