Maze of Clouds - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Maze of Clouds

The sky, the sun and the clouds are three important elements of skyscape photography as we all know. But, it is very seldom that one focuses just on the clouds. The sun and the sky are far more popular.

But, in this case, I was rafting on the Jia-Bhoroli river that flows through the Nameri National Park of Assam. It was about mid afternoon and the sun was nearly right above my head. But, when I looked up I was greeted with a very unique skyscape where the clouds seemed to form some kind of a maze around the sun. And in this way it looked like they had usurped the area of the sky.

If you look closely, you will see the sun in the background amidst the clouds and hardly any sky making it a cloudscape, if I may. And what a pretty view it was. Hope you too get lost in the beauty within the maze of these clouds.

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Logo Credits : Jobi T Chacko. UI/UX Credits : Murugan S Thirumalai
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