Friday, February 18, 2011

Innocent Faces from the toy town of Channapatna

I may not be great at taking portraits, but when cute kids form the subject, I am tempted to take their photographs and I guess it is their innocence that adds glamour and charm to the picture.

In this case, I was outside a toy factory in Channapatna when these adorable kids came along to check out the new faces (us) in town.

You can call it their innocence, their curiosity, their enthusiasm in getting their picture clicked or the fact that children across the world look appealing and endearing…Such child portraits always come out well for me. I guess children are my lucky charm and if I can may, they form one of the most interesting and creative subjects in the photography world.


  1. I read your article its amazing,i like your portfolio subject,both are looking innocent. You capture photograph with nice angle.Contras are good.I like your art of photography.Thanks for sharing photographs.

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