Sunday, November 07, 2010

Traffic pileups enroute to Nathu La, Sikkim, India

A lot of traffic pile-ups greeted me on my way to Nathu La in Sikkim. These traffic pile-ups were on either account of the police and army check posts, due to the poor state of border roads or due to the sheer number of vehicles chugging along the winding roads.

The traffic pileups in a way were good for me as I got to breathe in clean and fresh air. Otherwise, during motion, I had to breathe in the fumes of the vehicles in front of us who were using zero additive diesel to prevent freezing at low temperatures and for better pick-up.
But nonetheless, these traffic breaks gave me the opportunity to get down, stretch myself and soak in some great mountain sights along with the sight of line of jeeps and cars on the winding mountain roads.

Nathu La is a high altitude mountain pass that marks the India-China border and is located in East Sikkim. It is located about 50 kilometres from Gangtok at an altitude of 14,200 feet.


  1. Hey,great photos and very beautiful pictures! :) Love this blog altogether, though I'm not one to post lots and lots of comments! :) haha Anyway, today I had a big luck and want to share it with everyone - I finally found a way to make cheap calls to my cousin Becky in Australia:

    If you're in the UK like me, you can call cheaply to Australia and all over the world! :)
