Thursday, November 04, 2010

Pink Buds of Princess Flower (Tibouchina Urvilleana)

This is a very exotic looking flower that I saw at the Himalayan Zoological Park near Gangtok in Sikkim. In its bud stage, it is bright pink in colour with hair like bristles. And once it blooms, it turns out into a large and very pretty looking purple flower with hook like stamens.

A huge difference between both its development phases and the best part is that both these phases of this flower look equally beautiful.

Across the world it is known under various names: Princess Flower, Glory Bush, Purple Glory Bush and Lasiandra. But, by technical nomenclature it is known as Tibouchina Urvilleana.

No wonder, these pretty flowers and their buds are called as the ‘Princess Flower’. It truly sways like a princess.

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