Friday, November 05, 2010

Honey Bee and its search for Nectar – A Photo Series

I spotted this honey bee jumping from flower to flower while I was exploring the Himalayan Zoological park near Gangtok in Sikkim. Here are some photos that I captured while it was searching for sweet nectar. The flower that the bee is sitting on is Pink Knotweed (Persicaria capitata), a perennial herb from the Himalayas.

Anyone knows the name of this pink flower that the honey bee is sitting on? Thank you Revathy for the identification of this flower as Pink Knotweed (Persicaria capitata).


  1. it could be 'pink knotweed'.. ? u mite wanna confirm it though :

  2. Yup! Looks like Pink Knotweed at least from the internet. Thanks!

  3. Thank you sir, This is much different from others.  Can i know from do you got this.???
