Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Himalayan Bear

I saw this decently large Himalayan bear sitting on its plump backside at the Himalayan Zoological park in Bulbulay, near Gangtok.

This guy was my new 100-400’s first subject and boy was it an experience. He was quite far away to get him into my frame, but I somehow waited and managed to get some decent shots of him.

Since this was my first attempt at the 2.5 kilogram set, the camera shook a wee bit. But, I guess over time, I will get used to it.

Coming back to the Himalayan bear….It was good for me to see a Himalayan bear for the first time in my life, but I would prefer if a wild animal such as him is left in the wild.


  1. No man, this is the maximum zoom. The bear was really far away, plus I was at a slight altitude. I could have cropped more, but that's different.

  2. My,my, I really love bears! :) And this one is just soo cute!!! :) haha Anyway, today I had a big luck and want to share it with everyone - I finally found a way to make cheap calls to my cousin Becky in Australia:


    If you're in the UK like me, you can call cheaply to Australia and all over the world! :)

  3. I am still doubtful if that was a double ! :-)

  4. Ha ha! I was so confident it was a double when we sighted him. Then, on looking at the pictures closely and then zoomming it to super proportions, did I find out that it is actually one single bulky plumpy bear :-)
