Some scenes from the Cauvery River Bank at Talakad!! - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some scenes from the Cauvery River Bank at Talakad!!

The Cauvery river flowing by the temple ruins of Talakad is quite a popular tourist destination in Karnataka. Such is the popularity that I found this place swarming with people when I visited Talakad and the Cauvery river bank last Sunday.

I am just imagining how it would be on a national holiday. Must be quite a scene. But it is this crowd that adds so much colour to this place. And its gets even more vibrant when the temple ruins close at 1:30 pm for the afternoon.

The entire river bank is full of small groups of people who create a picnic like environment with groups indulging in games like soccer, cricket or volleyball. Some take to the water and play volleyball in water or indulge in water splashing or simple swimming activities.

While the tourists are enjoying themselves with games, food and beverages and chit-chat, the local fishermen use this time and place to build fishing nets and new coracle boats or to repair the old coracle boats. In essence, it is quite an experience spending an afternoon sitting on the banks of the Cauvery River at Talakad.

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