Thursday, April 22, 2010

An evening shot from Whidbey Island, WA, USA

Whidbey Island is a favourite holiday destination for folks living in Seattle. Its close proximity and the option to enjoy the island waters for fishing and other activities during the bright and sunny summer days make it a very exciting proposition.

I was at this lovely island on a brilliant summer day and was treated to some fine display of nature’s brilliance. The colours of the evenings captivated me so much that I decided to capture them in my lens. The one above is an example.

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  1. You certainly did capture its beauty and coloring well. Whenever I'm in Anacortes, I try to make a trip to Whidbey. It's such a pretty place to explore and once you're outside of Oak Harbor, the population is pretty sparse and there's so much nature to enjoy.

  2. Thank you Linnea! Whidbey is one place I would love to visit every summer! The opportunities to sample nature as aplenty here. Couldn't agree with you more!
