Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wibiya - the Next Gen Blogging Support Platform

As bloggers, we speak of widgets and other third party applications to increase traffic, hold the visitor on our blog for a longer while, create a follower community and so on. Now, we have the mother of all such widgets and third party applications, the new age blogging support platform that calls itself 'Wibiya'.

Wibiya, a work-in-progress product from an Israeli product company allows blogs to manage and integrate widgets, services and third party applications through a customized web tool bar. And all this through some mind-blowing features on this customized web toolbar that sits on our blog:

a facebook community for our blog - A totally new product idea as far as I know. We all know that the world is getting onto facebook and if our blog goes there too, you know what will happen.

allows the visitor to navigate through our various posts - There are other widgets in the market that do this job, like LinkWithin, that shows related posts based on the post content and tags.

a blog search - Lots of options are available here - Lijit, google, etc.
translate blog content into 20 different languages - Now, this is one helpful feature, considering that the world is truly turning flat and content assimilation happens at all corners of the world. The idea would be to gauge the effectiveness of this translation.

communicate with our readers - Again, a neat feature that sends short alerts on our blog activity to our readers and community.

All these features put together with some analytics and tracking make for a great blogging support platform and one that morphs itself well with all popular blogging platforms. I am itching to receive my invite and get wibiya on my blog!!

I did receive my invite and have installed the wibiya widget on my blog. The results are just great!!

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