LinkWithin: A Pretty and very useful blog support widget!! - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

LinkWithin: A Pretty and very useful blog support widget!!

As we keep adding new content to our blogs, our older posts seem to disappear into oblivion. As a blogger, we feel what if our visitors could read about our older posts instead of directly going into the archives or going the search route. There are a lot of widgets and third party applications available to the blogger community to show related posts, but I found LinkWithin the most useful.

LinkWithin is a widget that shows related stories with photo thumbnails under each blog post. It uses the title, tags and content from the blog post in question to show the related stories. Though, I am not exactly sure of the semantics here.  Free and easy to set up on one's blog, this widget works with all popular blogging platforms and allows the user to show 3 to 5 related photo thumbnails as related stories under each post. The design also blends in with one's existing blog template. And, the best part is they come ad-free. All this aids in engaging our readers and increase page views.

If the LinkWithin team is reading this, I would like to say that you have developed a great application. It would be better if it loaded faster and if the related stories gave more accurate results.

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Logo Credits : Jobi T Chacko. UI/UX Credits : Murugan S Thirumalai
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