Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is India seeing a boom in Infrastructure?

An event of days gone by...this January during my solo all india motorcycle journey...

I was on my way from the Bandhavgarh National Park to Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh when I happened to cross this unbelievable stretch of road highways. And because of which there is hardly any development in these areas. We talk about the golden quadrilaterals and the boom in Indian infrastructure. But, having personally ridden on these roads, I try to find reason in our long term goals.

Are we really having a boom in Infrastructure? If yes, then the first things that need to be set right and fixed are our roads as they will help us connect faster.

But, on the other side, I think deeply and say: Thank goodness, the roads are like this, else, in a country with the second largest population in the world, what would happen to our natural resources if these regions were well connected? I guess the answer in my head is we will lose our forests, wildlife and increase the pollution levels. But, I would love to be proved wrong! Which, would be the ideal situation.

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