Kaminey - A different bollywood movie experience - Be On The Road | Live your Travel Dream!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Kaminey - A different bollywood movie experience

It was Indian Independence day (August 15) and I was at Chennai with my college (Vellore Institute of Technology) friends when all of us decided to watch a movie. Thus began the last minute scramble of getting tickets for that evening. We wanted to get tickets for a good Tamil movie, but all theatres were sold out owing to the holiday weekend. After a lot of scramble and hunting, we decided to go for the only movie tickets we got, at the Woodlands theatre for the bollywood movie Kaminey. And, we bought these tickets in black :-)

Now, here I was going to see a movie whose review I had not read, whose plot I did not know and whose poster I had not seen. Keeping my fingers crossed, I went in with an open and un-opinionated mind.

The first half of the movie was a mystery. I did  not know what hit me coz I could not make head nor tail of the storyline. The only thing I could appreciate was the seriously good acting. To make matters worse, a baby nearby didn't allow me to sleep. Thankfully during the movie break, my friends who had read the review cared to explain the plot, which cleared some of the cobwebs in my head. The second half of the movie proved to be much better as the plot began to unfold and the story started to take shape. Net-net, I cursed my fate of having spent my money on a totally rubbish movie whose only saving grace was the good acting of Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra and that too in totally new roles for them. A very different movie experience for me!

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